At This Christmas season I find myself reflecting upon my time I’ve been here and looking forward to traveling home to be reunited with my family and friends. I think about the people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had here so far and I have a reoccurring thought, “We truly are our brother’s keeper.” My testimony of my Savior is stronger now than when I arrived and I will return home with a more solemn resolve to be the husband and father I was placed on the earth for.
I made a promise to myself and to my Heavenly Father when I came here on this adventure that the time here would be different than any other I have had. I promised myself that I would put as much, if not more, effort into improving my spiritual self and serving our Savior during my time here, than I would my temporal needs and goals. For myself I found 3 keys, which not only helped me survive my trials, but spiritually grow. I would like to share these with you. They are simple little things. First is not surprisingly prayer. My prayers here have been different than at home. Maybe they should have always been this way, but I made it a focus to improve my communication with my Heavenly Father. For guidance I applied the words of Alma to his son Helaman found in Alma 37:36 – 37.
Yea, and cry unto god for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.
Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and He will direct thee for good yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God;
The second is scripture study. I have a story that lets us know what a blessing reading the Scriptures can be…. I was talking to a young man who shared a very personal experience with me. On a prior deployment he had struggled with pornography and after returning home spent some time repenting for those sins. Sometime later when he received work he was redeploying, he went to his Bishop and asked him what he should do to make sure he didn’t fall again to that temptation. His Bishop asked him how much time he spent reading the scriptures, he replied 30 minutes a night. The Bishop then said “Double it!” This young man then shared with me, how adhering to this simple advice saved him while he was in Afghanistan and helped him to return home to his wife with honor, knowing his heart was pure.
Last is service. I have really focused here to be of service to by Islam brothers. Sharing my construction knowledge, being friendly and letting that friendly attitude have no bounds…what I mean by this is even to be friendly or to serve or help the least of them… the poorest of the poor… the day labors who do not even expect a hello from someone in my position… being kind to all I come into contact with.. doing small acts of kindness ….Just looking daily for a way to serve. Being aware of others and when given the opportunity sharing with them both temporal thing and spiritual. I know by what they have said to me that they have seen and felt something within me that they are attracted to. Remembering daily that I am an Ambassador for the Lord, representing Him in all I do.
I’d like to share a small part of my testimony, hoping it will touch someone’s heart. I know God lives and loves each of us individually with a capacity that only He can. I have found out that you are never really alone. With earnest prayer and a little Faith He will accompany you and walk your path with you. He truly can be with you always.
Nice post, Scott. Reading it has touched MY heart.....does that count?