Being here in Afghanistan, actually living with the Afghan people has made me think and appreciate who they are... It's made me think a lot about who I need to become and how to do just that... My total thought process has changed... I feel alive and happy in an unusual way.
I feel like one of my callings here in Afghanistan is to be an ambassador of Christ.... In my daily prayers I pray that I might be worthy to represent Him while I'm here anyway I can, and then i ask for opportunities to come my way, for doors to be opened to find ways to plant seeds and have discussions that may plant seeds. I try to make sure people know my beliefs and then never do things that would misrepresent who I should be. I am learning to be humble, approachable, kind and loving to all and it is reaping rewards.
Let me tell you a story... When I came back to the job site after being in Dubai for a week for medical care I was so surprised on my welcome back.. My Project Manager and many others greeted me in the traditional Afghan greeting of a hug and a " cheek kiss". They were actually glad and had true concern for me. They were happy and excited for me to be back. But the real surprise came as I walked through the job site and was greeted by most of the day labors (we have over 400 men on site daily) with them asking how I was, some in broken English and others in the Afghan language and a thumbs up, other just a wave a smile and a hello? But I knew what they were asking... They, the day labors were happy to see me back and wanted to know how I was... How was i feeling... They had all seen me come back from Kabul with no hair and knew I was sick. I believe that this respect or maybe love comes from how I try to treat everyone, I greet all with a hello and a smile, shake many hands daily, help when I can,laugh with them, never yell but am always kind to all....Simple little things but it makes them feel that I care for them and you know what... I do.... It truly saddens me to see their plight in life.... Ive been told that this is way different than the other Americans before me.
Another story....while in Dubai I took many taxis to go to the doctors or just sightseeing. Whenever I was in a taxi I made it a point to talk and discuss many different things with the drivers. They usually asked where I was visiting from and I always said Afghanistan and that started a discussion. How do you like Afghanistan they would ask and I would tell them I love the people and then I would talk about learning to love and appreciate the Muslim culture and people... That would further surprise them... With some I discussed how similar Muslim and Christians beliefs were, then to one we got into a moral discussion regarding the decadent americans he sees, I then talked about how I was impressed with the Muslim religion regarding morals, modesty and strong marriage and stated what my beliefs were regarding those things, he was surprised... He actually asked if I would have sex before getting married .. Again he was surprised.... With each I told them what religion I was and how similar our beliefs were... I told them all our belief in Prophets... Current and old and how important Prophets were to each of us... I believe seeds were planted... Life's were not changed but maybe thoughts or perceptions were softened...
Ok, one other story... One night I went swimming... One other man, very well educated was also swimming laps.. We stopped and exchanged pleasantries and that started a discussion... I let every discussion lead into the similarities of our religions... This discussion went a whole different direction. We talked about the last days... Our Sunday School lesson in Dubai had just been on that very subject... We must have talked for about an hour... He was interested in knowing more... I very carefully bore my testimony... With well chosen words... So not to cross any lines... He told me that his sect of Muslim religion believed that the last Mahdi (twelfth Imani) would appear with Jesus Christ and that would be how all would come together... Think about that.. In Sunday School we had just discussed how would the Muslims ever be able to be introduced to Christ... And here one of the larger well know sects of Muslims actually believe that they will appear together. I was so excited to hear that belief.
It is time to personally for us all to be an “ensign to the nations.” More than ever before we each are member missionaries, whether we chose to be or not. My actions today will influence what someone else thinks about you tomorrow. So let us all choose our words and deeds carefully, knowing how it reflects on our fellow Saints that follow. You have the choice. Remember, if you believe that you have been saved for this time and place to be born, and that it is no accident that the opportunities to bear witness so often have occurred in your lifetime, stop and think about what you will say and do next.
Take faith in the words of Elder Russell M. Nelson in the May 2011 Ensign?
“Why do we need such resilient faith? Because difficult days are ahead. Rarely in the future will it be easy or popular to be a faithful Latter-day Saint. Each of us will be tested. The Apostle Paul warned that in the latter days, those who diligently follow the Lord “shall suffer persecution.” That very persecution can either crush you into silent weakness or motivate you to be more exemplary and courageous in your daily lives.
“How you deal with life’s trials is part of the development of your faith. Strength comes when you remember that you have a divine nature, an inheritance of infinite worth. The Lord has reminded you, your children, and your grandchildren that you are lawful heirs, that you have been reserved in heaven for your specific time and place to be born, to grow and become His standard bearers and covenant people. As you walk in the Lord’s path of righteousness, you will be blessed to continue in His goodness and be a light and a savior unto His people.
“Available to each of you brethren and sisters are blessings obtained through the power of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood. These blessings can change the circumstances of your lives, in matters such as health, companionship of the Holy Ghost, personal relationships, and opportunities for the future. The power and authority of this priesthood holds the keys to all spiritual blessings of the Church. And most remarkably, the Lord has declared that He will sustain those blessings, according to His will.
“The greatest of all the blessings of the priesthood are bestowed in holy temples of the Lord. Fidelity to covenants made there will qualify you and your family for the blessings of eternal life.
“Your rewards come not only hereafter. Many blessings will be yours in this life, among your children and grandchildren. You faithful Saints do not have to fight life’s battles alone. Think of that! The Lord declared, “I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.” Later came this promise to His faithful people: “I, the Lord, would fight their battles, and their children’s battles, and their children’s children’s, … to the third and fourth generation.”
Remember who's work you are about. Remember who placed you here at this time, and pick your words accordingly. Remember the Lord will fight the battles for you. We
are here to share out testimonies and live a Christ-centered life for others to see. Represent the Church well, for I believe that we all will have the opportunity to be ambassadors of Christ.
We need to make and take opportunities to share our testimony. Live our life in such a way as to bring new meaning to the who we are.
Nice. Thanks for writing all about this. I am loving reading about your experiences. You are becoming quite the missionary. YAY you. Hugs...