Friday, December 30, 2011

The Muslim story of Christmas.....

I have been asked by many what do the Muslim’s think about Christmas or of Christ… this article I read I think best describes what the Muslim’s believe that I have met so far believe… it has been a common belief that has allowed me to start from and using that common belief have some very open discussions about Christ.

Just the other day I was driving back from Khulm to Mazar with an Engineer and he asked me about my belief in Christ and asked me about being a Mormon.. then he wanted to know if I had gone on a mission and if I was forced to go… It was a very open and interesting discussion we discussed the five basic tenets of being a Muslim and I told him that I easily was following 3 to 4 of them and gave him examples of how I (Mormons) followed those same beliefs… he then made me an honorary Muslim… I think it was a compliment….

Please read this story and think about how similar we all really are. For one thing for sure it strengthens my Testimony in Christ… He did live, He is real and can be a part of all our life’s if we just open our heart up to receiving Him in our life’s.

The Muslim story of Christmas

She was alone, as she was wont to do, worshiping in the eastern section of the temple. Suddenly, she was startled by a strange presence: a man with whom she was not familiar. “I seek refuge from thee with the Most Gracious,” she said, “(Approach me not) if you are conscious of Him!” He sought to calm her by saying, “I am but a messenger of your Lord, (who says,) `I shall bestow upon thee the gift of a son endowed with purity.’”

This startled her most of all. She replied, in shock: “How can I have a son when no man has ever touched me? - for, never have I been an unchaste woman!” The presence replied: “Thus it is; (but) your Lord says, `This is easy for Me; and (thou shalt have a son,) so that We might make him a symbol unto humanity and an act of grace from Us. And it was a thing decreed (by God).”

And so she conceived the child, withdrawing to a far-off place. And when the pangs of childbirth overtook her, she was driven to sit under the trunk of palm tree, and she exclaimed in anguish: “Oh, would that I had died before this, and had become a thing forgotten, utterly forgotten!” Yet, she had the child, and she then came back to her people carrying him, who were clearly shocked.

They exclaimed, “Thou hast indeed done an amazing thing!” They continued: “O Sister of Aaron,” an honorific title for this heretofore pious woman, “Your father was not a wicked man, nor was thy mother an unchaste woman!” She pointed to her newborn child, whereupon they said: “How can we talk to one who (as yet) is a little boy in the cradle?”

The child then said:

Behold, I am a servant of God. He has vouchsafed unto me revelation and made me a prophet, and made me blessed wherever I may be; and He has enjoined upon me prayer and charity as long as I live, and (has endowed me with) piety towards my mother; and He has not made me haughty or bereft of grace. Hence, peace was upon me on the day when I was born, and (will be upon me) on the day of my death, and on the day when I shall be raised to life (again)!

This story, that of the birth of Christ, was culled, not from my copy of the Bible, but rather from the nineteenth chapter of the Koran. It is the second mention, in fact, of this story, the first being in the third chapter. This should come as no surprise, really, for Jesus (and his mother) are very prominent in Muslim belief and reverence.

The Koran is full of passages about Jesus and Mary. The Muslim holy book describes Jesus as being “honored in the world and the hereafter, and one of the intimates of God” (3:45). Christ is also “in the ranks of the righteous” (6:85), described as “a word from God which He send down to Mary (and) and a spirit from Him” (4:171). The Koran even says that Jesus Christ “was strengthened with the Holy Spirit” (2:253, 5:110), although classical exegesis notes that “Holy Spirit” means either divine inspiration or the Angel Gabriel. Jesus, in fact, is mentioned more by name in the Koran than the Prophet Muhammad himself.

That’s why it perplexes me to hear some Christians talk about Muslims “not having Jesus.” We have Jesus all over our faith and belief, we just don’t believe he is the son of God or part of a triune deity. Muslims maintain that Christ was a prophet. It is a major difference in belief, to be sure, but it is not something over which Christians and Muslims should have any enmity or animosity.

Yes, some Muslims claim that Christians and Jews are “enemies,” but I pay no heed to such rabble. It is the product of a criminal, twisted mind, and the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not subscribe to such beliefs. And sadly, there are some Christians who say the same about Muslims and Islam: that we are “enemies,” not to be trusted or accepted into the fabric of society, and our faith is “evil.” Such voices, in both communities, must be ignored and marginalized.

No, Muslims may not adorn their houses with lights during this season, but it does not mean that Jesus does not light their hearts with love and reverence. Muslims may not take Christmas Day off as a religious holiday, but that does not mean that Jesus means nothing to them at all. Yes, it may be that the only businesses open on Christmas Day may be the Muslim-owned ones, but that does not mean that Jesus is not near and dear to those business owners’ hearts.

This common love for Jesus - and all the prophets of God - should be the force to bring American Muslims and Christians together. As we all think about Jesus this holiday season, it is my hope and prayer that the forces of hatred and division are no longer paid heed, and Americans of all faiths and creeds come together in peace. I know that it would be what Jesus would want for us; I know that it is what God wants as well.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

My Christmas in Afghanistan....

Christmas Day in Afghanistan

Wanted to share my Christmas in Afghanistan. first it's a normal workday. There is no Christmas recognition here so no celebration of any kind. Today I had to make a site visit to our new road project in Khulm, we were trying to find a good source for the road base material. We are going to make our own quarry and mine and crush our own material. We found a good source and now I can meet with the Mayor and other government officials and make arrangements to use the land. It's an interesting project with lots of complex parts to it that all need to come together. I will be going to Khulm for the next couple of day getting everything moving.

After we were done and on our way back I suggested we stop for lunch and have some kabobs ... I told them it was going to be my Christmas dinner and they said since your family isn't with you we will be your family... I said I would like that.. They laughed..

So we all went to a late lunch... Sat and had kabobs, chicken, lamb liver and a very tender beef rib... All very tasty.... Not your normal Christmas dinner but nothing has been what you and I would call normal on this adventure.....

At lunch I asked them to ask my driver to stop at the Blue Masque so that I could give to the poor... I had had a thought come to me ... That it was Christmas and I should share what I could with those less fortunate, so I got some afghan money and we stopped... I told my armed guard to stay in the car, to intimidating, and just asked someone else to escort me while I walked the sidewalk to give to some of the older men who were sitting next to the gate, begging for I started handing out the money I was swarmed with about I would guess about 20 to 30 people shoving each other and me trying to get to me and the money, with more coming, I was completely surrounded and had lost my escort but two police had joined me and were trying to keep the people back and me safe.... I only wanted to give the money to the older men... It was fairly scary... But I really wanted to try to help someone ... Give my own gift of love to those in need... I was able to complete what I came there to do and was then was rushed back to the car by the police and my escort who had rejoined me which was quickly surrounded with people knocking on the window asking for money.. As we pulled out we were chased by the people still begging and wanting money... It was sad and somewhat scary....All I had wanted to do was to try and help someone.. Give my own gift of love to those in need....

As I left I was overwhelmed with how great the need is and how many so many of our brothers have so emotions over took me and I had to control my tears... As I drove away again the words of the song came to my mind about giving ... And the scripture about when you give to the least of them that you are giving actually to the Lord... What greater gift could I give to my Savior on this his Birthday but to reach out in a small way.....

The rest of my day was a normal Sunday, went to the base for dinner and then to church for Sacrament service and a discussion about the birth of the Savior and ways to serve him.

It was a different day but as I think about it may be in a good way, I wasn't focused on actual gifts and opening of gifts and things, but instead on being open to the Spirit and being among non believers and sharing with them why Christmas was so special to me and one even who knew I was Mormon and asked how that was different... So a teaching moment..

Oh, I missed my family, my dear children and visiting of friends, I even missed the hustle and rushing around to get ready for Christmas but I experienced something different ...

So it was a day of simple things, a hike in the hills in the middle of nowhere, service and sharing... Prayer and pondering with Christmas music in the background ....

Maybe it was a good Christmas after all....

Friday, December 23, 2011

Road Trip to Hairatan

Last week on Friday Sultan (my site project manager) came to my room in the morning and asked if I wanted to go with some of the site Engineers for a picnic. He told me that they were going to a very beautiful place. Always up for an adventure I said sure and we piled into two cars and off we went, no security just a bunch of men on a road trip in Afghanistan, me and about 11 Afghans. I had no idea where we were going.

About an hour and half later we ended up in Hairatan which is a border town to Uzbekistan, the river Amu which separates Uzbekistan from Afghanistan, it is at that river we had lunch, delicious deep fried fish. As I got out of the car Sultan said isn't it beautiful, it was a muddy river - truly beauty is in the eye of the is not beauty as you and I know it... but when we got there they were beaming with pride ... I said this is the place?.. but smiled and enjoyed the day with them.. it truly was like being with kids... their excitement was catching...

One story, after we were done eating in the restaurant we went for a drive winding through the back street of Hairatan to a railroad yard... they stopped the cars and ran to the tracks... I was laughing, they were acting like teenagers taking pictures climbing on locomotives .. when we got back in the car Sultan said it was the first time they had seen a train. Hard to believe isn't it. What a difference in culture and life experiences.

I had to go when asked, I knew it was an honor to be invited and included and am glad that I had this experience with these men.

Khulm Road Project....

Trip to Khulm....

The other day was an interesting day... I went to what I thought was your average normal job kick off meeting... For a new road project near Khulm. But instead it turned into an event. With lots of Afghan traditions and ceremony.

This project is an important project because it is building a new road connecting many small villages from Khulm to Kunduz and we are building 3 new wells for villages along that new road... These wells are very important to these people, for some of these villages have very limited access to water which disappears in the summer months... It was touching the welcome we had in the villages we visited, to be a part of connecting these communities and providing a life source like water is a wonderful feeling.

First I met with the German Representative that are sponsoring this project. That in itself was interesting... We went into a room in a home in Khulm with a small stove in the middle of the room for heat... Sat on pillows on the floor and enjoyed nuts and hot tea... I enjoyed the nuts and held the tea for warmth only.... And we had our discussion sitting on the floor... We then walked over to the government office and had a meeting with the Governors local Representative, the Mayor and had a meeting with him and other local dignitaries ... I had to speak and represent TI ... Was asked questions about helping the local community and using local labor...The town is excited to have us come to the area and bring jobs to the community. This was without any real knowledge regarding the scope of the project or anything.... It went very well... I didn't know I was going to be the guest of honor at these meetings... From there we went out to the site with the Mayor and others with a police escort for security to visit some local village elders... Lots of security and again I was the guest of honor... I had not expected this honor......I was Introduced to the elders and had to give a short speech at each village about what we were bringing to the village and were excited to become a part of their community.

We then walk all together to locate where the Elders of the Village wanted to place the water well and they showed us the new school being built. It actually felt like being on a health mission, the welcoming. becoming a part of the community and actually building something that will affect and change life's for years to come.

I am excited about being a part of a project like this.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas thoughts from Afghanistan....

At This Christmas season I find myself reflecting upon my time I’ve been here and looking forward to traveling home to be reunited with my family and friends. I think about the people I’ve met and the experiences I’ve had here so far and I have a reoccurring thought, “We truly are our brother’s keeper.” My testimony of my Savior is stronger now than when I arrived and I will return home with a more solemn resolve to be the husband and father I was placed on the earth for.

I made a promise to myself and to my Heavenly Father when I came here on this adventure that the time here would be different than any other I have had. I promised myself that I would put as much, if not more, effort into improving my spiritual self and serving our Savior during my time here, than I would my temporal needs and goals. For myself I found 3 keys, which not only helped me survive my trials, but spiritually grow. I would like to share these with you. They are simple little things. First is not surprisingly prayer. My prayers here have been different than at home. Maybe they should have always been this way, but I made it a focus to improve my communication with my Heavenly Father. For guidance I applied the words of Alma to his son Helaman found in Alma 37:36 – 37.

Yea, and cry unto god for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and He will direct thee for good yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God;

The second is scripture study. I have a story that lets us know what a blessing reading the Scriptures can be…. I was talking to a young man who shared a very personal experience with me. On a prior deployment he had struggled with pornography and after returning home spent some time repenting for those sins. Sometime later when he received work he was redeploying, he went to his Bishop and asked him what he should do to make sure he didn’t fall again to that temptation. His Bishop asked him how much time he spent reading the scriptures, he replied 30 minutes a night. The Bishop then said “Double it!” This young man then shared with me, how adhering to this simple advice saved him while he was in Afghanistan and helped him to return home to his wife with honor, knowing his heart was pure.

Last is service. I have really focused here to be of service to by Islam brothers. Sharing my construction knowledge, being friendly and letting that friendly attitude have no bounds…what I mean by this is even to be friendly or to serve or help the least of them… the poorest of the poor… the day labors who do not even expect a hello from someone in my position… being kind to all I come into contact with.. doing small acts of kindness ….Just looking daily for a way to serve. Being aware of others and when given the opportunity sharing with them both temporal thing and spiritual. I know by what they have said to me that they have seen and felt something within me that they are attracted to. Remembering daily that I am an Ambassador for the Lord, representing Him in all I do.

I’d like to share a small part of my testimony, hoping it will touch someone’s heart. I know God lives and loves each of us individually with a capacity that only He can. I have found out that you are never really alone. With earnest prayer and a little Faith He will accompany you and walk your path with you. He truly can be with you always.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Dubai Visit......

Being here in Afghanistan, actually living with the Afghan people has made me think and appreciate who they are... It's made me think a lot about who I need to become and how to do just that... My total thought process has changed... I feel alive and happy in an unusual way.

I feel like one of my callings here in Afghanistan is to be an ambassador of Christ.... In my daily prayers I pray that I might be worthy to represent Him while I'm here anyway I can, and then i ask for opportunities to come my way, for doors to be opened to find ways to plant seeds and have discussions that may plant seeds. I try to make sure people know my beliefs and then never do things that would misrepresent who I should be. I am learning to be humble, approachable, kind and loving to all and it is reaping rewards.

Let me tell you a story... When I came back to the job site after being in Dubai for a week for medical care I was so surprised on my welcome back.. My Project Manager and many others greeted me in the traditional Afghan greeting of a hug and a " cheek kiss". They were actually glad and had true concern for me. They were happy and excited for me to be back. But the real surprise came as I walked through the job site and was greeted by most of the day labors (we have over 400 men on site daily) with them asking how I was, some in broken English and others in the Afghan language and a thumbs up, other just a wave a smile and a hello? But I knew what they were asking... They, the day labors were happy to see me back and wanted to know how I was... How was i feeling... They had all seen me come back from Kabul with no hair and knew I was sick. I believe that this respect or maybe love comes from how I try to treat everyone, I greet all with a hello and a smile, shake many hands daily, help when I can,laugh with them, never yell but am always kind to all....Simple little things but it makes them feel that I care for them and you know what... I do.... It truly saddens me to see their plight in life.... Ive been told that this is way different than the other Americans before me.

Another story....while in Dubai I took many taxis to go to the doctors or just sightseeing. Whenever I was in a taxi I made it a point to talk and discuss many different things with the drivers. They usually asked where I was visiting from and I always said Afghanistan and that started a discussion. How do you like Afghanistan they would ask and I would tell them I love the people and then I would talk about learning to love and appreciate the Muslim culture and people... That would further surprise them... With some I discussed how similar Muslim and Christians beliefs were, then to one we got into a moral discussion regarding the decadent americans he sees, I then talked about how I was impressed with the Muslim religion regarding morals, modesty and strong marriage and stated what my beliefs were regarding those things, he was surprised... He actually asked if I would have sex before getting married .. Again he was surprised.... With each I told them what religion I was and how similar our beliefs were... I told them all our belief in Prophets... Current and old and how important Prophets were to each of us... I believe seeds were planted... Life's were not changed but maybe thoughts or perceptions were softened...

Ok, one other story... One night I went swimming... One other man, very well educated was also swimming laps.. We stopped and exchanged pleasantries and that started a discussion... I let every discussion lead into the similarities of our religions... This discussion went a whole different direction. We talked about the last days... Our Sunday School lesson in Dubai had just been on that very subject... We must have talked for about an hour... He was interested in knowing more... I very carefully bore my testimony... With well chosen words... So not to cross any lines... He told me that his sect of Muslim religion believed that the last Mahdi (twelfth Imani) would appear with Jesus Christ and that would be how all would come together... Think about that.. In Sunday School we had just discussed how would the Muslims ever be able to be introduced to Christ... And here one of the larger well know sects of Muslims actually believe that they will appear together. I was so excited to hear that belief.

It is time to personally for us all to be an “ensign to the nations.” More than ever before we each are member missionaries, whether we chose to be or not. My actions today will influence what someone else thinks about you tomorrow. So let us all choose our words and deeds carefully, knowing how it reflects on our fellow Saints that follow. You have the choice. Remember, if you believe that you have been saved for this time and place to be born, and that it is no accident that the opportunities to bear witness so often have occurred in your lifetime, stop and think about what you will say and do next.

Take faith in the words of Elder Russell M. Nelson in the May 2011 Ensign?

“Why do we need such resilient faith? Because difficult days are ahead. Rarely in the future will it be easy or popular to be a faithful Latter-day Saint. Each of us will be tested. The Apostle Paul warned that in the latter days, those who diligently follow the Lord “shall suffer persecution.” That very persecution can either crush you into silent weakness or motivate you to be more exemplary and courageous in your daily lives.

“How you deal with life’s trials is part of the development of your faith. Strength comes when you remember that you have a divine nature, an inheritance of infinite worth. The Lord has reminded you, your children, and your grandchildren that you are lawful heirs, that you have been reserved in heaven for your specific time and place to be born, to grow and become His standard bearers and covenant people. As you walk in the Lord’s path of righteousness, you will be blessed to continue in His goodness and be a light and a savior unto His people.

“Available to each of you brethren and sisters are blessings obtained through the power of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood. These blessings can change the circumstances of your lives, in matters such as health, companionship of the Holy Ghost, personal relationships, and opportunities for the future. The power and authority of this priesthood holds the keys to all spiritual blessings of the Church. And most remarkably, the Lord has declared that He will sustain those blessings, according to His will.

“The greatest of all the blessings of the priesthood are bestowed in holy temples of the Lord. Fidelity to covenants made there will qualify you and your family for the blessings of eternal life.

“Your rewards come not only hereafter. Many blessings will be yours in this life, among your children and grandchildren. You faithful Saints do not have to fight life’s battles alone. Think of that! The Lord declared, “I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.” Later came this promise to His faithful people: “I, the Lord, would fight their battles, and their children’s battles, and their children’s children’s, … to the third and fourth generation.”

Remember who's work you are about. Remember who placed you here at this time, and pick your words accordingly. Remember the Lord will fight the battles for you. We
are here to share out testimonies and live a Christ-centered life for others to see. Represent the Church well, for I believe that we all will have the opportunity to be ambassadors of Christ.

We need to make and take opportunities to share our testimony. Live our life in such a way as to bring new meaning to the who we are.

Friday, October 14, 2011

What!! No Hair.........

It took me a while to want (get up the nerve) to share these pictures but I finally figured that its all part of my Afghanistan Adventure... so I share with you these pictures…. The pictures are while I was in Dubai getting some medical attention, having tests done to determine what was going on.

There are a couple of very important rules to follow here in Afghanistan I guess the most important one is to watch your back, be careful and the other important rule is do not get sick.
The Doctors here, well let’s just say if you are a good doctor would you choose to live in Afghanistan?

Well I've had some health problems for the last couple of months; have gone to 4 different doctors here in Afghanistan and no one know what is causing the problem. It's nothing life threatening as far as I can tell but it’s very uncomfortable ... I've had a very bad head - neck rash that just won't go away that has now spread to the back, chest and arms.... It's very uncomfortable sometimes painful and always itches....

Well the last doctor recommended that I shave my head so that the medicine she wanted to try could be on the scalp... so now I don't have any hair... but I still have the rash... and it keeps spreading...It's been another interesting experience...

The hair is growing back so very slowly.... to slow ... but it’s also so much easier to get ready to go someplace... not that I have any place to go......and no bad hair days… don’t have to worry about the wind messing up my hair….

I will be going to Dubai in a couple of weeks and will see a real doctor when I am there. Hopefully they will be able to determine what the problem is and give me the right medicine.

The Myler family motto is "Pain is only Temporary" but my question is how long is temporary?

The Adventure continues.........

Up date........

The picture was taken after a week in Dubai under a doctors care... The rash was caused by a rare skin reaction to the high UVA's here in Afghanistan. The highest UVA rating is 11 in July when I arrived it was at 11 then in August it dropped down to 10, so.... It even has a real fancy name. I will need to take proper precautions while I am here and maybe for the rest of my life. Long sleeve shirts, hats, sunscreen stuff like that... if I have an another outbreak I now have the proper medicine and know how to treat it.

I am doing fine and all is well....

It was just another part of this great Adventure.......

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bread anyone.......

I thought you would enjoy these pictures... I went out today looking
for Terrazzo tile for our project, found some went to the factory
where its made and negotiated on the price with the owner .... It was kind of
fun....Also nerve wracking, in a very out of the way neighborhood, I
was nervous to say the least....

On our way back we stopped by the shop of the baker of our bread, we serve the men
with the meals.. It's a flat bread served during every meal... Look at the
oven.. The baker throws the bread into the oven causing it to stick to
the roof of the oven... Oh, then the bread is loaded up into the trunk of
the car, not wrapped just stacked in the trunk....

The girl is the bakers daughter wearing her school uniform... Isn't she cute

I am enjoying taking pictures of the people and the life of the Afghan people....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Understanding the Spirit

This journal entry is mainly for my children and my grandchildren and great-grandchildren....I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about having the Spirit and being able to hear and understand His instructions to me....

To be able to listen to the Spirit and respond--to act on what He tells me. This may be the hardest thing to do, to recognize when the Spirit is telling you something. Sometimes it may be just a quiet voice in your heart to do a simple good thing. Other times you may actually hear a voice or even see angels. All are possibilities... Do not doubt..... (Study and learn about the Gifts of the Spirit)

Faith-promoting stories can build our faith and our trust in the Lord, and consequently help us through our own Gethsemanes. Joseph Smith, in his second Lecture on Faith, explains how faith and testimony has been carried on through the generations by the words of faithful people. Doesn’t that mean that faith is sharable? “Faith-promoting” stories can literally increase the level of our faith. By passing the light of faith-filled words from person to person, we can improve our perspective and begin to recognize the Lord’s purposes in all things. As we grow in our ability to thank Him in all things, our light within will be given the “faith-fuel” it needs to burn more brightly. This is why I am sharing this with not only my children but also my friends.

So........ Let me tell you a story... or two....

The rule I learned to follow is if it is a good thing or a good thought that passes through your mind, then you need to listen and follow that thought or feeling. That is the whispering of the Spirit. If it is a warning do not second guess that warning. If you learn to listen to those feelings your life will be different--you will be protected and you will become a Spiritual person, for this is the Spirit talking to you....

When I was just 17 I was driving alone on Thanksgiving Day going to my grandparents house for Thanksgiving dinner. I was driving on Sherman Way, not in a hurry, for I was going way early. I was driving past an old folk’s home or maybe a hospital... Not sure now... But what I am sure of is the message. The feeling I got was that I should stop, go in and see if there was someone I could visit. As a 17 year old I questioned that thought. I remember thinking “I don't know anyone there." ... I drove on... I have always wondered who I would have met, and what effect that visit might have had on either me or the person I would have served. I did not listen to the Spirit (I know now it was the Spirit that wanted me to stop).... The growth I could have had at that time if I had listened...

Another story for my kids..... When I was almost 18, David O McKay passed away... I had this strong impression that I needed to go to SLC for the funeral. I was in school and didn't know anyone in SLC, but I knew I needed to go... I remember coming home and telling my parents I needed to go to the funeral, surprisingly, they let me go. I had to make my own arrangements, pay my own way. I drove to the airport, flew to SLC with no place to stay, found a little Hotel near the Temple and walked in the rain to the Temple, not knowing where to go... When I got close, I saw people waiting in line for the viewing... I waited in line. We sang church hymns. I remember singing We Thank Thee for a Prophet... It was a special experience.... When I had my turn to view the Prophet it was as if I was alone... I felt the presence of the Spirit so strong... I know angels were there watching over the Prophet. I actually saw them. They were real..... I knew this man truly was a Prophet of God, it was revealed to me, I cannot deny it.... I then went to the funeral the next day, and sat in the balcony right above the casket... Oh, how strong the Spirit was. The reason I share this story is that I had this feeling I should go. Common sense and logic asked "why?" Reasons were there for me not to go... But I followed that feeling and had a Spiritual experience that I will never forget. It helped shape who I am today.... Had I not gone, who knows what could be different... I listened to the Spirit that time and it changed my life....

While being here in Afghanistan, it has become even more important to me to be able to have the Spirit with me so that I can hear His warnings and follow them. I know that I am in harm’s way. I know it is dangerous. The blessing I received from President Halverson promised me if I was faithful and listened to the Spirit, I would be safe. My Patriarchal blessing blesses me with a wonderful gift of the Spirit, the power of perception, “that I will be able to look into the eyes and hearts of your associates and be able to discern their motives toward me." It goes on to say some will try to destroy my faith in God and some will try to destroy me personally... I know that to receive this gift of the Spirit certain things are required of me, simple things really, pray daily night and day-a kneeling prayer, read the scriptures and ponder and apply what I read, treat all people kindly with respect and love... I'm working on doing these things and more. I can feel a change of heart, a new love for those around me, and I have heard the Spirit direct and comfort me. It is real.

Another story...
Went to Char Bulock....... It is a site that the Corp will not visit due to its location. It is in an area known to be an active area with Taliban... As I drive to the job site on the dirt road I can see them sitting under a tree or next to a stream. On the drive back a Toyota SUV drove up behind us very fast. The guard in the back seat sitting next to me, who travels holding the gun, quietly moved his AK 47 to a different position, took off the safety and put his finger on the trigger. The truck passed us, then stopped up ahead. You could tell the guard was alert and somewhat nervous. The men got out of the SUV and they were all were carrying AK 47s. They greeted some other men at the side of the road and started chatting. We drove passed them.... without incident..the guard, once we had passed them, made a motion with his hand similar to crossing yourself in a prayer .. he actually did it twice... I asked my interpreter when I got back to my site and he said it was a Muslim prayer of thanks....

The interesting thing is that I could tell he was nervous, and yet I didn't feel nervous or have any type of fear.... I had said my prayers that morning and asked the Lord to look after me. I asked Him if it was ok to go, and I felt comfortable, and I felt that way all day.

Ok,..... side note, today in the Corp meeting they told us that on Friday, near a school about 5 miles from the job site, about mid way from the main road to our site, the school teacher was found killed, left on the gravel road, beheaded... this is the same road I drove on the day before... I passed the school... It’s a little scary. I think I will change my routine and go to this site only once a month or so and take some extra security with me next time....

Another side note, in the security briefing today I was told that they are expecting the Taliban to conduct a "spectacular" attack in the Mazar area before winter, I realize this is a place on unrest.

It made me realize how lucky/blessed I was... it made me think about how important it is for me to live my life in all ways so that I can hear the Spirit give me warnings and answers to my prayers. I do believe that when I said my prayers the day I went to the job site the Lord comforted me and let me know that I would be okay. I want to have that ability to hear Him every day.

I have had many sacred Spiritual experiences. I have heard the whisperings of the Spirit, I have had my heart touched, I have seen angels. Once I was sitting next to a dear friend (my best friend) in Church and we had whispered to us the exact same message at the same time, a personal message pertaining only to us, we turned to each other and asked "did you hear that', we had heard a voice and we received the same direction at the same time. I have been blessed with the knowledge that God is real. I want my children and grandchildren to know this. Study the gifts of the Spirit. They are great and they are yours if you live your life as you know you should. Look at your trials as tests of faith and through those trials you will grow. You will become stronger in the faith knowing God... He is real... You will have trials, tests of faith. At that time turn to the Lord and your righteous friends and find the strength you need. Believe it or not the blessings of your trials are great, they will make you great and prepare you for the eternities.

President Spencer W. Kimball gave us guidelines for assessing spiritual progress that are thought provoking. He said: "We can also tell that we are making progress by the attention we get from the adversary. This has been the lot of the Lord's people from the beginning, and it will be no different in our time . . . The prophet Joseph Smith received the counsel that ‘all these things shall give thee experience and shall be for thy good.’ "There is the reason. It is for our development, our growth, our education and advancement, that we buffet the fierce waves of sorrow and misfortune: and we shall be all the stronger and better when we have swum the flood and stand upon the farther shore:"

Our Lives are Under Construction

Much like a road construction project, our lives often must be torn up before they can be improved, widened, made more serviceable. The minute we determine to travel the path of spiritual progress, we are likely to find barricades, detours, or the very entrance to a freeway we had most hoped to travel closed for reconstruction.

How do we respond? Can we use our trials of faith as motivation to seek the Lord with greater intensity, and in retrospect recognize His purposes? Brigham Young said, “There is not a single condition of life or one hour’s experience but what is beneficial to all those who make it their study, and aim to improve upon the experience they gain.”

I write and share this now because there is a chance that I might not come home, something could happen. If something happens to me here it will not be because I didn't listen, or do the right things. It will be because things happen. I will listen. I will do the right things. I know, however, that there are people around me that have their own choice and free agency to do evil, they want to harm Americans. I will do all I can to return home, get married and serve the Lord with my wife, enjoy my children and grandchildren and be the example I know the Lord expects me to be.